About Me

Texas, United States
I am a stay at home Mom from Oregon who has landed in Texas.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

At this very moment

Brady is jumping on the couch singing "pee the poop, bop poop, poo poop, dada poop, poop, lala poop, baa poop."

And so it has begun. The potty humor. And I admit it is pretty humorous.


Lori said...

He gets that from his Grandpa, I am sorry to say. Ask your Dad about Colon Blow and Super Colon BLow from SNL.

Ashley said...

Oh man, the joy of little boys. Just you wait til he can fart on command...

Jenny said...

Um, sorry. I think my boys started that on Wednesday night!

Shannon said...

Hahahaha, i forgive you Jenny ;)

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Now he's almost old enough to start watching Saturday Night Live (thank you, dear). You already let him stay up that late! Love. Dad

Phuuut!! Sorry. :-)