About Me

Texas, United States
I am a stay at home Mom from Oregon who has landed in Texas.

Monday, October 6, 2008

And so it begins...

Natalie just got another (that makes two!) birthday party invitation in the mail for one of the kids in her class at school. How fun! I was so excited that this stage of her life is starting, the branching out and having more friends, the dropping her off for play dates, the birthday parties for total strangers...! Until I looked at the invite...ugg! It is on a Sunday! That stinks. I never really grew up in a home where we were really super strict on keeping the Sabbath, and we still struggle with it now (especially during football season!), but I want my kids to know what the Sabbath is all about. You know, all those things they teach us as kids, reading the scriptures, writing letters, spending time with family, visiting the elderly, etc, etc, etc. And to me that means no birthday parties among other things.

It just stinks! Because I hate for her to be the only kid that doesn't show up. And I know that if we commit to this now when they are younger they will learn that we are serious about it, and it won't be so hard when they are older, but it is still hard!


Jenny said...

keep it up! you're doing the right thing!

Ashley said...

This is so hard. I have so many things to work on, and this is definitely on the list. Having a non-member spouse makes it all the more difficult. Good luck and stick to your guns!

Lori said...

However, you don't want you kids to follow the rules just because they are the rules. You want them to learn to critically think about whatever the rule is and the reason behind it. You can't start too young. How much better would it be if you sat Nat down, told her why it was important to respect the Sabatth and then let her choose. It will mean more to her because it won't be Mommy imposing another rule. Then when she is, say 13, she has less to rebel about.
Just my two cents.

Lori said...

Oops, ignore my typos.
Long day!

Shannon said...

Oh yes, we are sure that we tell her the WHY and not just say "because I said so", I do think it is important the she knows what we believe Sunday is for, and surprisingly she sets a better example for Keith and I sometimes, than we do for her!

Lori said...

Exactly, so let her decide about the birthday party. If she chooses to go, it won't be any worse than a football game, lol.
If she doesn't, then you aren't the bad guy/mom.