About Me

Texas, United States
I am a stay at home Mom from Oregon who has landed in Texas.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Christmas is coming!

So, I have tried it both ways. I have shopped all year long for Christmas and squirreled stuff away in the closet after purchasing, and I have waited until after Thanksgiving to do all my shopping and in my experience we get to have better Christmases (gifty wise) if I shop early. So September to me is the mark of the shopping for Christmas bargains season beginning. Everywhere I go I am on the hunt for good deals on gifts for the kids and family. This year I am being really gung ho because earlier in the year I decided we are gifting to as many people as possible. I want to give, give, GIVE! I love how it makes me feel when someone opens up a gift I have lovingly made or bought just for them. Especially my kids. There is nothing greater than seeing their face light up in total happiness because I hit it right on the mark.

That brings me to my first official purchase of the season. (I already have a bunch of other little things hidden away!) I am SOOOO excited for this toy! It is a fairy garden/forest/wonderland! And I found it at Tuesday Morning for 50% off what it sells for online, plus I got BOTH accessory sets that they offer. So Nat will have the whole set. This will be her "Big Gift" this Christmas, and I just know she will LOVE it! I can't wait to give it to her! Now the real question is who is it going to be from, Santa or me? Because I hate when Santa gets the credit for the best gift! Oh and if you love it you can check it out online here, but DON'T buy it there! It was in the add for Tuesday Morning so most stores should have all three pieces!

Fairy Wonderland

Fairy Children

Blossom Friends


Simply Sarah *K* said...

Ummmm....I think I am going to have to go and get that!! Seriously! TOOO Cute, especially the little fairies!

Shannon said...

You totally should! It is really good contruction (I checked it out) and all the pieces seem so well made! I am really happy and excited about it!

Kelli said...

That's really cute. I can't even start to think of Christmas yet. I wonder if I can hire someone to shop for me.

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

What a great find! I'm one of those crazy people who love the crowds at Christmas so I always wait until after Thanksgiving to start shopping.

Anonymous said...

As much as I love to go shopping at Christmas time, I love to do it if I'm not under pressure to buy anything. I usually make my goal to be finished by Thanksgiving--that way if I find anything after that, it is a little extra bonus. Wait to be on the ball.