About Me

Texas, United States
I am a stay at home Mom from Oregon who has landed in Texas.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Right now....

...my kids are GLUED to E.T. the Extra Terrestrial.

...I am anticipating getting off in 40 mins. due to being sick and tired, literally and figuratively.

...I am looking forward to a restful night that might possibly include a chocolate milkshake and some seriously old "new" episodes of LOST that we STILL haven't seen!

...I am looking forward to tomorrow. A day filled with brand newly restocked Tuesday Mornings, a potluck lunch at Betsy's, a restful afternoon, and then dinner and crafting with girl friends! A jam packed day, but packed with all my favorite things! Talking, shopping, eating out, and crafting!


Simply Sarah *K* said...

YAY for thursday! I hope the rest of work went by FAST. Enjoy your LOST, it's absolutely wonderfully LOST!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trying making your shakes with low-fat frozen yogurt. Yummy and better for you. That's what I have switched to (But I still use lots of Hersey's chocolate syrup, of course!! :-) Love. Dad

Jenny said...

mmmm...your tomorrow sounds like my dream tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

A milkshake and new stuff at Tuesday Mornings? Where do I sign up!?

Ashley said...

I am so impressed that you haven't watched 4 episodes of Lost! I could never wait that long. What did you think?