About Me

Texas, United States
I am a stay at home Mom from Oregon who has landed in Texas.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

First Sting!

Friday night Keith took the kids to a Fourth of July gathering with some friends of ours, and it all seemed to go off well without a hitch. Except for the fact that Natalie got STUNG. BY. A. WASP!!!! My baby girl! I may have overreacted when Keith called me, but that was more from the fact that I couldn't be there when I knew she was in pain. Keith said she took it like a trooper and after the initial cry fest from the sting stopped, that she was fine! Some anti itch stuff and a magic bandaid later and she didn't even look back! She surprises me with how she handles things, it shows me I need to not overreact too much because she will watch me and learn how to cope. Luckily I wasn't there to make it worse.


Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

Poor thing! I'm glad that she got over it quickly.
How sad is it that Kelly got his first wasp sting yesterday, too?! He was not a little tropper though. :( But I didn't try a band-aid, maybe that's the trick!

Ashley said...

I got stung by a wasp a year or so ago. I was freaking traumatized. It hurt! I got stung in the web of skin on my thumb. I called that wasp lots of curse words!

Kelli said...

I felt so bad for her when she started screaming. It's just one of the rites of childhood, I guess. Poor Natalie, but she did handle it well.