About Me

Texas, United States
I am a stay at home Mom from Oregon who has landed in Texas.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Choice number 1-Green butterflies

OK, so I am finally trying out some new formats. I am getting really sick of mine even though when I try other blooger templates i always come back to this same one. So i got on Pyzam and started searching. I think I am going to do a new one each day and let my readers give their 2 cents. That way I can add all my links back after I am sure i have found the right one!

THis is the first one I saw that drew my eye. I think it is so pretty, but I don't know if it goes along with the theme of my blog, if that even matters.


Kelli said...

This one is very pretty, and it has that pretty beachy green you like.

Anonymous said...

It's very pretty, but it is a bit hard to read. Curious to see what else you come up with (and surprised you didn't just go to a Dallas Cowboys background-grin).

Anonymous said...

Agree, it is pretty, agree, it is hard to read. But please, please no Dallas Cowboys background. I would have to quit reading your blog.

Ashley said...

I like it too. But when I changed mine the flowers in the background distorted my pictures really bad. Like we had a disease or something?? So, I went back to my old one. I sent in 3 requests to Pyzam, I have been checking each day to see if they've made me one yet.

Shannon said...

LOL, they have a Cowboys one that I saw, I am saving that for another option!