About Me

Texas, United States
I am a stay at home Mom from Oregon who has landed in Texas.

Friday, February 20, 2009

About Us.

Since I have been pretty much blog absent, and I have a lot to post but they all require pictures which I am too lazy to upload at this time. I thought I would do this little couples survey I got off Kelli and Dooce's blogs. We'll call it a tribute to the fact that Keith is this close to taking the bar. It starts Tuesday if anyone wants to fast for him on Sunday.

What are your middle names? Mine is Marie and Keith's is Aaron.

How long have you been together? We have been married for a little over 7 years, dating for almost exactly 8.

How long did you know each other before you started dating? 8 months.

Who asked whom out? Keith asked me out, and actually the first time he told me he liked me as more than a friend (not in those exact words, hehe)...I kinda sorta stopped talking to him for a week! I was scared because he was so...OLD...and so nice and kind and everything I wanted in a husband, and I was SO not ready to get married or even date someone that I COULD marry. Apparently it only took me a week to realize I was ready to at least start dating a potential husband, LOL!

How old are each of you? I'm 26 and he's 30.

Whose siblings do you see the most? Keith's, but only good old Uncle Jason! All the rest of our siblings are spread too far across the country. Makes me so sad.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Um, well if you know us at all this one is easy. Studying for the blasted BAR EXAM!!!!

Did you go to the same school? Not for high school, but we met at Ricks/BYU Idaho.

Are you from the same home town? Not even close! We are from different sides of the United States!

Who is smarter? This one is up for debate. I kinda think his graduating from law school trumps my kicking his butt on the SAT.

Who is the most sensitive? We are both sensitive, but to completely different things and situations.

Where do you eat out most as a couple? Probably Chili's or On the Border, good old tried and true favorites. We do love Red Robin though, and are pretty excited that there is a new one close by! And if we have the money... sushi!

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Well, we have been from Washington State to Florida, and pretty much everywhere in between! But never left the country together...not yet!

Who has the craziest exes? Well, I would say Keith, but he claims he doesn't HAVE any exes because none of them were official. I'm still gonna say Keith. And he says me...LOL!

Who has the worst temper? uh...ME.

Who does the cooking? Both of us. Keith used to cook on the nights I worked and I would cook when I was off. Now I TRY and do all of it, but he has always been willing to help in the kitchen.

Who is the neat-freak? Hahahaha ha ha. ME.

Who is more stubborn? Keith.

Who hogs the bed? Well, we have a pretty big bed, but Keith has a tendency to hog the covers.

Who wakes up earlier? Keith, only because I work so dang late. Before jobs and kids, it would have been me.

Where was your first date? We have NO clue!

Who is more jealous? Me.

How long did it take to get serious? a few months. We took a summer semester together and were together ALL THE TIME. It was probably the most fun I ever had during our pre child time.

Who eats more? Probably Keith, but I sure do love my food. He can really pack it away when he wants, and the man snacks on sweets all the time. If we have ice cream? You better get it fast because it won't be in there for long!

Who does the laundry? That would be me. When we had Natalie we lived in an apartment where we had to cart the laundry to the laundry room. I told him if he would do all the carting and changing and watching the clock and setting the timer so that some crazy wouldn't come and put out clean underwear on top of the dirty dryer, I would do it all once we got our OWN washer. So far, I have kept my end of the bargain. Except I hate to put the clothes away. Plus he always shrinks my shirts when he is trying to be helpful.

Who's better with the computer? Keith, when it comes to fixing things.

Who drives when you are together? Normally Keith, though I hate having him change the settings on my seat! He is so dang big!

Hope you enjoyed reading all about more than you ever wanted to know about us! I might've done something like this already...oh well! I am slowly trying to get motivated to blog again. I really, really lost it there for awhile.


Anonymous said...

that was fun to read shan!

and it made me crave Red Robin like crazy I don't think I've been there in years.

Anonymous said...

OK the thing that cracked me up the most was the fact that he shrinks your shirts. This is the reason Ryan is not allowed to touch the laundry (unless he is only doing his clothes). If Ryan did the laundry I would have nothing but high-water pants and belly shirts to wear.

Anonymous said...

My husband thinks he is great with the laundry...snort. Silly rabbit, I don't know what he does but yes, my things shrink! (he swears he dries them on low).

And you need to come visit us so we can take you to all the wonderful sushi joints we go to! Love me my sushi.

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

Fun stuff!
I still need to try sushi. Some day...