About Me

Texas, United States
I am a stay at home Mom from Oregon who has landed in Texas.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jelly Bean

Sometimes when Brady and I have to kill some time before we get Natalie we will head to our favorite store, Target. Last few times he has wanted to play with the Jack in the Boxes with the sock monkeys inside. He has just fallen in love with those monkeys! I really wanted to get him one, but they were just a little too pricey at Target.

Well, you can imagine how thrilled we were when we headed to Wal Mart on Natalie's birthday and not only did they have less pricey sock monkeys, they had them in all sorts of cool colors! This guy was an instant hit. And obviously Brady loves him. He "posed" for these pictures on his own when I asked to get a picture of him with Jelly Bean.

I love my little monkey.


Jenny said...

Those are so cute I can't stand it!!!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet boy. What I would give to have him come play with my 3 little monkeys!