About Me

Texas, United States
I am a stay at home Mom from Oregon who has landed in Texas.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Say what you will...

...but I loved his music! Michael Jackson was an Icon. One of those people that you just assume will be around a long time, even if he was weird. The man left a great legacy of music, and I am sure most of us can remember one song or another of his that we loved and danced too.

Mine is this one. I remember in 5th grade my best friend and I would spend HOURS singing along to this one.

Some of my other favorites were Black or White and Man in the Mirror. What Michael songs did you grow up listening too? Which ones were your favorites?


Ashley said...

4th grade was the height of my MJ obsession. My faves are PYT, Human Nature, and Billie Jean

Shannon said...

My friend Cassie had the perfect thought, RIP 80's/early 90's MJ, not so much for the 00 version!

Mrs. L said...

Ahem, when I see you I have to tell you about the time Michael Jackson kissed me. No really, your Aunt Ruth was there and can verify :)

I grew up watching Michael. We were the same age. I remember watching him on the Ed Sullivan show. I got an A on a paper I did in high school about my favorite song of his at the time..."Ben"...yeah, about a rat!