To the guy holding the cell phone 4 inches away from his ear,
I don't care what you are doing, you are doing it wrong. If you are on don't have to hold your phone like that, SERIOUSLY. That is what speaker is for! If the person on the other end is loud? Turn it down! Either way you look like a
douche idiot and I am sick of having to stare at you while following you on the road.
the woman (not so) quietly making fun of how ridiculous you look.
To the girl driving with the earbuds in,
Pretty sure this is illegal, if not it's very dumb. At least it was back in the day of headphones, and earbuds are even worse ( blocking out sound). I want you to be able to hear me when I honk at you because you aren't going at the green light, so kindly take out the ear buds and use the radio.
the woman laying on the horn behind you
To the guy tilted back in his seat,
Pretty sure the fact that you are listening to what sounds like polka music cancels out any street cred you think you may be earning by driving while practically lying down in the front seat of your car. Sit up. And change the channel while you are at it. You look (and sound ) like a fool.
the woman wishing for earbuds
To all the various ladies in the giant vehicles,
If you can't drive it/park it/maneuver it, you don't deserve to have it. You aren't the only person on the road. Get over yourself and your ugly truck. I kind of
hate strongly dislike you. Ugg. Oh and if you cut me off one more time, so help me....
the woman in the van that she knows how to handle (except for that one time pulling into the
And lastly
To the old person driving 10 miles under the speed limit,
I am sorry you are old, I really am. I have a soft spot in my heart for you, but honestly...if you can't drive, please don't. Because it is taking all of my willpower not to honk at you and mutter not so nice things under my breath. My kids don't need to hear that. So for their sake, pick up the pace!
the woman trying really hard to cut back the (Mormon) swearing