About Me

Texas, United States
I am a stay at home Mom from Oregon who has landed in Texas.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

7 dollar cure.

The kids and I had an absolutely lovely morning at our church doing all sorts of wonderful crafty things. I like to call it the Mormon Mecca of Craftiness, but most LDS people know it by the name Super Saturday, and it was super. The kids were watched by some of the young women of our ward, and I got to spend 3 hours making some lovely things for our home, and learning some fun tricks I can put to use this upcoming holiday season.

Only problem was when we got home to an empty house it was such a let down! We had a major case of the "I'm boreds". So we lazed around a bit, Brady watched Star Wars (A New Hope), Natalie danced and played, and I got to work on some craftiness. After the movie was over I was honestly dreading the next few hours before I could put the kids to bed. I didn't want to cook, didn't want to clean, didn't want to do anything.

After a quick Internet search I found my saving grace for the evening. Boston Market does 2 kids meals FREE, as in FREE, if you buy an adult meal. That totally works with our budget! So we packed up, spent a total of $7.01 and came home with an absolute feast of food (thanks to the Taylors for introducing me to Boston Market and their sinful sweet potatoes). It was a very lovely night so we dragged out the folding table and some chairs, and voila! A make do picnic. I am so very glad we did it, the weather was lovely, and it really ended the day on a positive note.

I can't believe I ate the whole thing...
Afterwards some bike riding, fairy house building, book reading, sun chasing, bug swatting, happy shouting fun.
So very, very lovely.

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