Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Come one, come all!

I realize that I have been a bad girl this week! I forgot to blog, but that's because I have been sewing my little heart out, as well as sitting for a cutie patootie, hanging with Erin, enjoying a Holiday weekend with Keith home, and many other wonderful things!

This week though, it's back to business, all sewing all the time. I finally got the flyer for the craft fair this weekend, and it's made me want to sew even more! Look at some of those vendors that will be there!! Even face painting and a bounce house, makes me sad my kids will be out of town and not able to come.

Anywho, if you are in the area, it sounds like it will be a lot of fun, and it's free! And of course, I would love to see you there!


  1. Where are the kids going?

  2. They are headed to the Uncle's with Keith and Grandma. They will have fun, and Erin and I will have a party without them ;)


Want to make me happy? Do you really? Then leave me a little thought!